KTL Volunteering Program

The program comprises different components including Research, Social Work, Content Creation and Translation. Every volunteer takes on a role that is tailored based on his skills, experience and interests. KTL offers three volunteering programs based on duration: a three-month program, a six-month program and a one year program, at the end of which the volunteer receives a certificate of completion.

Volunteer Roles

Designer: designs templates, ads, announcements, maps and info graphs for KTL posts & stories.

Video Editor: edits videos, adds subtitles and transforms information into reels and videos.

Researcher: reads through books, websites and credible resources, or conducts field research, extracts hadiths, verses and scholarly literature based on assigned themes, documents the findings in a structured and organized manner.

Translator: translates texts, reels and hadiths that will be used in KTL posts, booklets or videos.

Social Worker: identifies community needs that are relevant to KTL themes, conducts field surveys with community members, maps organizations and initiatives that work on KTL themes.

Why Volunteer at KTL?

Volunteer Testimonials

“First and foremost: a sense of community. At the risk of sounding cheesy, before the program, I sometimes felt like a little lost puzzle piece. The community that KTL provided me with is the puzzle where my piece belongs; a community of people who actively strive in the way of God, people who decided to uncover the true gem of Islam and incorporate it into our daily lives, step by step. In the four months I've been with this program, I've grown so much and changed a lot, including in terms of my perception of Islam and life, my priorities, my ambitions, as well as my life goals, both short-term and long-term.

To me, this experience has been nothing short of beautiful, enlightening, and beneficial. It is absolutely fulfilling in the best way that this word can be used. There is really no better feeling than what you experience when surrounded with like-minded people, striving, growing, developing and complementing each other in the way of God.

I was always a sort of spiritual person, but this program has helped me discover myself and delve deeper into this side of myself. I have grown closer to God, as I came to better understand my relationship with Him and as I learned how to walk in His path. It gave me a sense of peace I've been missing for a long time. My knowledge in Islam deepened greatly: four months of reading and translating various texts and materials related to Islam does that. I've gained so much insight into different topics that pertain to Islam and relate directly to my life, to the extent that it has pushed me to adopt new habits and conduct myself in different ways. It's been enlightening, to say the least.”

- Mariam A. (Translation Team)

“So far, it has been a really beautiful and enriching experience. I have benefited in every way: in terms of knowledge (mainly Islamic based of course), by meeting great people, in our journey to getting closer to God, and by supporting each other. I have met people who I have become very close with and with whom I expand my knowledge, collaborate, and share the passion for serving our community and Imam al-Mahdi (ajf).

I actually just translate, so, I don‘t think that my technical skills got better lol (not that they are bad or anything but still). I have to say though that I got used to Excel more! Before, I couldn‘t stand that program - sometimes it still drives me insane😂. As for the work experience, I definitely love the work spirit in our group! It's very nice that we depend on each other and have such a smooth working atmosphere where everyone has their own things to do.”

- Essra H. (Translation Team)

“This experience increased my knowledge and brought me closer to my religion. I realized that I find the time for what’s important (KTL’s work) during my busy schedule (prioritizing). I was able to have better discussions and debates at my university and started aiming for a balanced lifestyle that serves my religious goals. My volunteering at KTL helped me become more patient and allowed me to learn from others. It increased my appreciation for group work, for I actually witnessed several people coming together for one purpose, which makes us serve better. I learned more about Hijab and improved the way I wear it. Moreover, I got inspired by the most hardworking people on this team that find the time to get their tasks done perfectly despite their daily challenges.”

- Aya T. (Research Team)

“It's satisfying to be within a group that all its members work on the same goal and have similar wide vision to the world, you feel stronger that you can achieve more and within the future more targets can be achieved.”

- Sara Ch. (Research Team)

Before joining KTL, I prayed to Allah swt for the opportunity to serve Imam al-Mahdi ajf and the Islamic community. When I started at KTL, I realized that Allah swt had answered my prayer and brought me together with many beautiful souls. I love the work I do at KTL, and the experience I`ve had so far has been very enriching and beautiful. I can definitely say that KTL has become a part of my life. The atmosphere is really welcoming and I love working with all the volunteers. Especially, the Translation Team has become very close to my heart. Moreover, I am deeply grateful for the wonderful friendships I have formed with some of the volunteers.”

- Sarah Y. (Translation Team)